We're trying to put an upper bound on a numeric Extended Data Type, i.e. such that it can never be higher than 99,999,999.99 I can only find
EDT properties on MS learn for AX 2012, not D365, so there were a couple of properties at EDT level that looked like they had potential:
- Scale
- Display Length
- No of Decimals
The third of these has the expected effect, the second just seems to change the size of the input control, and the first doesn't have any obvious impact, even after build, DB sync, dev box restart (last of these very much a desperation idea)
On the off-chance we could implement through the UI, we also tried two properties of the control on the form:
- Display Length
- Display Length Mode
- Limit Text
- Limit Text Mode
Again, these appear to have no effect: we're able to input numbers with more digits than the values specified in the above properties & they're saved to the DB & shown again when the form is refreshed. Can anyone please point to a property we're missing? Or do we need to extend the validateWrite method on the table to which we're adding the field?