1. What I enter...
d.note, d.city_no, d.je_acct_number
FROM je_batch b, je_detail d WHERE b.je_batch_id = d.je_batch_id AND
b.JE_BATCH_TYPE) = 'ESF_ESCHEAT' AND b.je_import_status = 'NOT_TRAN'
ORDER BY b.je_batch_type,b.je_batch_id, b.transaction_date
d.note, d.city_no, d.je_acct_number
FROM je_batch b, je_detail d WHERE b.je_batch_id = d.je_batch_id AND
upper(b.JE_BATCH_TYPE) = 'ESF_ESCHEAT' AND upper(b.je_import_status) = 'NOT_TRAN'
ORDER BY b.je_batch_type,b.je_batch_id, b.transaction_date
MsgBox("Doc warnings occured.")
go = 0
End If
MsgBox("Doc errors occured.")
go = 0
End If
If GetVariable("g_integration_error") = 1 then
MsgBox("Integration errors occured.")
go = 0
End If
sSQL = "Update JE_BATCH set IMPORT_JOB_ID = '" & GetVariable("g_batch_id") & _
", LAST_MODIFIED_USER = 'GP Integration'" & _
", IMPORT_DATE = TO_DATE('" & Month(Now) & "/" & Day(Now) & "/" & Year(Now) & "','MM/DD/YYYY')" & _
" WHERE JE_BATCH_ID IN (" & GetVariable("g_BuildSQLFilter") & ") AND " & _
"JE_BATCH_TYPE = '" & GetVariable("g_batch_type") & "'"
" WHERE JE_BATCH_ID IN (" & GetVariable("g_BuildSQLFilter") & ")"
MsgBox("Tables not updated.")
End If
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