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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Lost Print Button

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Posted on by 45

I first customized my purchase maintenance order screen. As I never did it before, before I got the hang of it - I lost my print button. I am now familier with customizing screens, but can not seem to find or recreate the print function on the purchase order maintenance screen.

I tried insert Object Wizard - selected Button, Object Name = Print

In Code window Sub Print_Click() End Sub - didn't work, so I tried

In Code window Sub cBegPrintProc_Click() End Sub - didn't work

I don't know what to do to get it back - is there a master reset button for my modules?

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  • RachelW Profile Picture
    RachelW 45 on at
    Re: Lost Print Button

    thank you!

  • Barry Flynn Profile Picture
    Barry Flynn 3,090 on at
    Re: Lost Print Button


    YOu won't have "deleted" the button.

    But you may have made it invisible, or moved it somewhere where you can't see it.

    To possibly clarify things a little, one approach is to use Customization Export to export the customization to a .cst file.

    Then open that file in Notepad and "cruise around".

    The bits of interest to you will be "in plain English" at the start of the file.

    Avoid (and do NOT change) the "hieroglyphics" which make up the rest of the file - they are a compiled/encrypted representation of the VBA code in the customization (and there will be some, even if you haven't written any.)

    Look for areas of the customization which deal with a button.

    Look for the "Created" property (I think that's what it is called).

    If that is set to True, then the button you are looking at is one you have created - it wasn't part of the original screen. It's not your "lost button".

    Bsck to your lost button.

    You may have inadvertently moved it somewhere where it is not visible - perhaps to a different form, or Frame, or behinf another object. Of "off thescreen altogether".

    When you fine a button that might be "the real one", look for the Visible, Parent, ParentForm, Left and Top properties.

    They will tell you:-

    - If the button is now Visible

    - Which Form the button is now on (you may have inadvertently moved it)

    - Which Object the button now directly resides on

    - How far it is from the left of that object

    - How far it is from the top of that object.

    Once you can "locate" your lost button, you can consider how to put it back where you want ot to be.

    A final thought.

    If you are considering editing the .cst file, make sure you retain a copy of the original file.

    Then, if it all goes bad, you are able to get back to the "current status".

    Hope those comments are some use.


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