Hi All,
I am new to AL programming. I am trying to customize "Sales Line FactBox" to add some custom fields. I have added the following code to extend the factbox. But the code is not making any change to the factbox. Please suggest what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance.
pageextension 50101 SalesLinesProCoFields extends "Sales Line FactBox"
// Add changes to page layout here
group("Proco Fields")
field("Order Id"; Rec.P_Ord_Id) { }
field("Buy Price"; Rec.P_BuyPrice) { }
field("Cust Inv No"; Rec.P_CustInvNo) { }
field("Line No"; Rec.P_LineNo) { }
field("Supplier Acc No"; Rec.P_SprAccNo) { }
field("Class"; Rec.P_Cls) { }