I created a new trial instance and followed the same procedure listed in article:
Inside settings i am able to find Myapps to the right most under My applications tab. If for some reason you are not able to find that Myapps, most probably someone inside your organization might have customized the sitemap. Create a new solution, import sitemap and add the Myapps entity if you don't find it in your sitemap.
After clicking Myapps, the following screen is displayed:
By clicking Customer service hub tile, you will land into your destination.
You can open a case record or KB article inside customer service hub (though the UI is completely different from traditional CRM UI). But the best thing is the GUID still remains still for a KB article or case record in both the environments.
So open advanced find -> serach for knowledge articles entity -> click results button -> open any random KB article -> Copy the GUID of it from URL.
Now i will give you a generic URL for same KB article in customer service hub:
Sonic163 is our organization name. Please feel free to replace it (there are 2 occurances in above URL) with your native organization name. In the end after id you can see a GUID right? Replace the GUID with the GUID of your KB article. Once you finished constructing URL, try to open it in new window. You will definitely be redirected to that particular KB article inside the customer service hub. Once you are inside CSH, you can navigate using some native buttons to other entities of service module.
This is a shortcut way of opening CSH. If you get 404 HTTP error while entering URL in your browser, it means you constructed a wrong URL. Please scrutinize the URL again carefully to find your mistake and re construct it. This method will work 100% for sure.
Please let me know your results!