Hello everyone,
How to cope an opportunity with the Created On of a source opportunity?
I can clone it with the built Clone function but system changes Created On date and sets it to Today, can I automate identical cloning?
Best regards,
Hello everyone,
How to cope an opportunity with the Created On of a source opportunity?
I can clone it with the built Clone function but system changes Created On date and sets it to Today, can I automate identical cloning?
Best regards,
Thank you very much I really appreciate your help,
The problem was in turned off MS flows.
Best regards and wishes,
Hi Bohdan_Y,
1.Navigate to Settings > Administration. Go to System Settings > Customization tab
2.Check "Run Flows" privilege in the Customizations->Miscellaneous Privileges on your Security Role that current login user.
Go Settings > Security > User to find the user you are using and open it.
Clicking ‘Manage roles’ button to check what role are assigned.
Go Settings > Security > Security roles to find role that just view.
Under ‘Customizations->Miscellaneous Privileges’ to check "Run Flows" privilege.
Leah Ju
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Hello Leah Ju,
Looks like I don`t have this function, can I turn it on or is it some kind of bug.
Sorry I`ve been working with dynamics for not so long.
Thank you for you time,
Hi Bohdan_Y,
If you don’t find correct trigger in the power automate page directly, you can create flow as following steps.
1.Navigate to Opportunity view page and select one record to expand flow to click ‘create a flow’.
2.It can go to power automate wenpage directly, click 'continue' button.
3.Now, you will view that trigger is created automatically.
Then you can add other actions under it.
Leah Ju
Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365 Forums.
Hello Leah Ju,
Thank you for your response.
I don`t see 'When a row is selected' trigger, only for a selected row from excel. And by the way isn`t there any way to reconfigre default Clone process?
Best regards,
Hi Bohdan_Y,
As Mehdi said, ‘created on’ field can’t be filled manually, you just can fill ‘Record Created on(overriddencreatedon)’ field when create new record.
You can create an instant flow to create new opportunity records with all values from selected original opportunity, the most important thing is to populate the 'record create on' field of the new record with the 'create on' value of the original record.
1.Go Power Automate(https://us.flow.microsoft.com/en-us/ ) to create an instant flow.
2.Select ‘when a row is selected’ as trigger.
3.Add ‘Get record’ action.
4.Add ‘Create a new record’ action, fill all fields with dynamics content from Previous step.
Click in each field and just select value from ‘Dynamics Content’. You can also combine a field selected and plain text like I have done in the "Topic" field.
In Opportunity view, select oone or more opportunity records and expand flow to run the flow that just created.
Refresh current page after running the flow, you will see a new record has been created.
Opening the record, you will find that 'created on' field is ths same with original record.
Leah Ju
Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365 Forums.
How did you implement your clone?
To override the created value you have to put the creation date on the overriddencreatedon field and this at the opportunity creation.
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