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Get User-Information out of SID

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I'm using the relatively new fields SystemCreatedBy and SystemModifiedBy, but I do not want to display the ID but the users-name instead - can it be linked directly to the user's table (which would be which?).


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Get User-Information out of SID

    Sorry -I'm simply trying to display the values of these fields (like here) on a page; for the datetime-fields the display-value is fine, for the SystemCreatedBy/SystemModifiedBy (which are SID's) I want to display the corresponding user's full-name (as stored in table user).

    For now I have this peace of code:

        procedure GetFullName(userID: Guid)Text
            UserInfo: Record User;
            if not UserInfo.Get(userIDthen
            exit(UserInfo."Full Name");
    That is called by
       field("appSystemCreatedBy"; GetFullName(Rec.SystemCreatedBy))
          ApplicationArea = All;
    But there is no value displayed (even on newly created records).
  • Suggested answer
    vishal bagadia_crm Profile Picture
    vishal bagadia_crm 490 on at
    RE: Get User-Information out of SID

    Can you please explain your requirement in bit detail.

    If you access those fields in Front end. You will see a lookup of the user/team entity with name.

    In the backend when you will retrieve these value in coding, you will get this value as EntityReference under which you can get 3 details.. 1. entityName 2. RecordId..3. Name.. based on the 3rd value you can identitfy the name.

    If the 3rd value is empty in EntityReference. Then you need to make an extra service call to retrieve the desired data by using the RecordId and entity name.

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