how to increase decimal points of unit cost
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how to increase decimal points of unit cost
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I just gave it a try and mine changed. Are you sure the item got changed? You cannot change it if you have open documents. Am I understanding this right to say you changed the decimals and then created a PO and the PO did not show the new decimal places?
Kind regards,
Dear Mahmoud,
I have used the option (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Inventory > Change Decimals Places) but it does not change the item unit cost decimal in PO and Receiving transaction entry screen.
Any help in this regards would be appreciated. Kindly advise.
I have used the below option but it does not change the item unit cost decimal in PO and Receiving transaction screen.
Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Inventory > Change Decimals Places
Kindly advise.
If you want to increase the decimal point for item unit cost, you need to increase Decimal Places Currency for the items. It will change decimal point for all the currency fields(Price List, list price, standard cost.,etc) not only unit cost (You can't change the unit cost decimal point alone).
For changing Currency Decimal Places, follow below steps.
1. Go to Change Decimal Places window(Tools-->Utilities-->Inventory-->Change Decimal Places).
2. Mark the Change Currency Decimal Places check box then choose your new decimal point value and currency id.
Note: If you change the currency decimal point, it will round the values for the item price list.
3. Select the range for item number/item description/general description/item class id.
4. Click process to change the decimal places.
Note: Currency Decimal Places only change if the selected range of items should not contains purchase and sales activities.
Hope this helps!!!
I have previously went through such a case, you may refer to the following post; Changing Currency Decimals
The bottom line is that currency decimals could be changed either on the inventory level (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Inventory > Change Decimals Places) or on the company setup level (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Currency)
In your case, the unit cost decimals could be considered on the inventory level setup, but that brings a whole of other questions related to how the general ledger will tie to inventory ? how the purchasing and sales order processing modules will be affected by the inventory module ?
Therefore, please refer to the post above to find relevant answers.
Your feedback is highly appreciated,
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