Currently on SL 7.0 SP3; quarter 1, 2013 Line 5ATaxable Soc Sec Wages are incorrect. Actually overstated. Ran a SQL Script against the data base and the QTDSUBJWAGE for quarter 1 for the FED2 and FED3 deduction are correct. In Reconciling the Earning and Deduction Report by reducing Total 1st Quarter Wages by Sec 125 wages reconciles to the QTDSUBJWAGE. Unemployment Report for FICA Wages reconciles to the SQL Script QTDSUBJWAGE and Earnings and Deduction Reconciliation. Therefore every piece of data ties, except the 941 Quarterly Report Line 5A Taxable Subj Wage. There is a hot fix for a Wage being under reported, but I hesitate to apply it as that isn't the problem. No employee has exceeded the FICA maximum subject amount nor has any employee been subject to FED9. This report has tied for 9 years.
Any suggestions?
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