Collection Management Letter Maintenance (Cards --> Sales --> Collection Letters)
Below is the modified Microsoft Word Document (Query Letter format we use to generate the letter) consisting of fields added from Add-Ins.
Refer to below screenshots and examples of query letter output that have issues with the alignment field.
I have added OverdueInvoicesDetail field in the word document. (From ADD-INS --> INVOICE)
Example of how I pull the field to word document:
Output of letter generated from Dynamics GP – Query Letters (Transaction --> Sales --> Query Letters)
Example 1:
Example 2:
As we can see from the output, the alignment of the field data are all positioned center, which eventually look untidy if all the amounts have different number of digits.
It is impossible for me to adjust the alignment, so I would like to know if anyone encountered this issue before and is there a way to overcome this alignment issue?
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