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In addition to what others mentioned above, here are the limiations i face on daily basis, im going to list only 5 of them.
01. Not every entity is available for Advance find - Espeically when it comes to system administration or developer needs - just to mention a few audit log, subjects and many other
02. It does not support all the features for all the entities. For example you cant Bulk Edit contract lines and you cant activate an Activity
03. Activities have just one set of global permission, many clients i worked with wanted to hide notes and other activities from advance find, Advance Find launch button on nav bar itself cannot be Security controlled
04. You cannot edit the Fetch Query XML - you have to stick to the query builder limitaions
05. Results Grid Limitations - Column with cannot be more than 300px unless you manually increase the width
The "Not In" queries in Advanced Find are available with D365/CRM 9.0
Hello Nikita,
Here is some of limitation , hope this helps you.
1. The big limitation when you are selecting field from related entity its now allowed to select from advanced find , however you can download the fetch XML and add your related entity column from link entity in the retrieve entity list.
2. Secondly the Outer join , left outer join is not possible through advanced find but you can create , have a look below article -
3. Comparison of two field is not possible if you want to retrieve phone number where condition Account.phonenumber <> Contact.phonenumber , however I dont have any answer how to do that .
4. More than 5000 record is not possible using Advanced find , however you can implement paging cookie . Have a look below article.
below is the link shows limitation of advance find,
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