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Checking the names of tables in a portal

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Hello everyone,

As you know that there are numerous tables in a portal. For e.g. If I have more than one portal so how I can validate that which table belong to which portal?

  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Checking the names of tables in a portal

    Hi Partner,

    Have any updates?

    Please feel free to contacts me if you have any questions!

    Could you click 'Yes' under title to close the thread if my answer is helpful!

    Thanks in Advance! :)

  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Checking the names of tables in a portal

    Hi Muhammad,

    Essentially, the tables are not stored on the portal, but on the Dataverse.

    If you have more than one portal in an environment, these portals can get configurations and store data on the same Dataverse, so the same table can be used on all of them at the same time.

    You can check which portal uses which tables via the ''Portal Management'' application.

    In the portal, tables are used through forms and lists: 

    When you configure one basic form/List in one portal, you need select table and website:

    --This means that the 'Lead' table was used on the 'Zhou316 - Zhou316' portal:


    On the view, you can find that Lead can be used on the two portals:



    A portal can use many tables, and a table can be used in more than one portal.

    So just because one table is used on a portal does not mean that they belong to the portal.

  • Suggested answer
    DAnny3211 Profile Picture
    DAnny3211 9,272 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Checking the names of tables in a portal


    In Dynamics 365 portals, each portal has its own set of tables in the database, with a unique prefix for each portal's tables.

    By default, the prefix for a portal's tables is the same as the portal's website name, with any special characters or spaces replaced by underscores. For example, if your portal website name is "My Portal", the prefix for your portal's tables will be "my_portal".

    To verify which table belongs to which portal, you can look at the table name in the database. If the table name starts with the prefix for one of your portals, it belongs to that portal.

    You can also use the "Portal Management" area in Dynamics 365 to view the database prefix for each portal. In the "Portal Details" section of the portal management page, you will see a field called "Database Object Prefix" which shows the prefix used for that portal's tables in the database.

    If you have multiple portals and are unsure which tables belong to which portal, you can use a SQL query to search for tables with a specific prefix. For example, to find all tables with the prefix "my_portal", you can run the following query:


    This will return a list of all tables with the specified prefix, which should correspond to the tables for your "My Portal" portal.


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