We ran into an interesting situation with Dynamics.exe crashing while printing certain reports. The specific error pointed to MSVCR90.dll. Mariano Gomez has a nice article about this error but it related to a different issue. After many hours of troubleshooting it turned out to be a data related issue. One of the document numbers had a ` character. That is the one under the tilda ~, not the standard single quote character. Sometimes referred as a backtick or grave accent. I am not sure if it was only related to graphic reports but these reports were the Payables ATB with options AND the Payables HATB.
Once we changed the character ( replaced the value out of the tables) , error gone & reports printed fine. Crazy but true.
Dynamics GP2010, Terminal server 2008 SP2, all kinds of printers & drivers, all different user levels.
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