Recently configured Management Reporter in a test environment on a server and two test workstations. I was able to connect from all three locations and add additional users the first 3 days. Now, when I launch MR, I received the cannot connect to the server message that everyone loves. In the event viewer I receive the following error message:
Message: System.ServiceModel.EndpointNotFoundException: There was no endpoint listening at http://servername:4712/InformationService.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
Looking at Microsoft's troubleshooting guide it is says that this is the result of the Management Reporter website not being started in IIS. They instruct to simply go into IIS and start the site to resolve the issue. When I go into the site, it shows it as running. I have stopped and started the site and reset IIS with no luck.
Any suggestions?
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