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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

SmartList GP10

Posted on by 295

SmartList - Purchase Line Ítems- does not return complete, only return 3051 fields but I can find in SQL more fields.

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  • Verified answer
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Hi Olly, I executed the Check Links and Reconciliation... but I continue with the problema.

    SmartList does not show all the fields, I'm selecting in the Máximum Records 100,000, when SmartList finish shows 27,698 Purchase Line Ítems, but when export to Excel... only have 13,850 records not the 27,698...

    Maybe some field is wrong or damaged, but I can't find it

  • Suggested answer
    Olaf Laos Profile Picture
    Olaf Laos 1,890 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    I don't think the smartlist is "damaged". From what you say the smartlist runs correctly and collects the rows of data up to the maximum number of records you set in the search criteria.

    I have known in the past that issues with the data itself can cause these sorts of problems - in so far as, if some records are "incomplete" or "damaged", it interrupts the process that the system is trying to perform when it works through all the necessary transaction records.

    It may be worth trying the following - perhaps in the TEST company to start with - and if you do it in the LIVE company, take a SQL backup of the live company first!

    You should also get the other Dynamics Users logged out from the Dynamics system.

    Press the Microsoft Dynamics GP button then select Maintenance > Check Links

    In the "Check Links" window, select series "Purchasing" and then from the list of Logical Tables on the left hand side, select "Purchasing Transactions" and then click the Insert button to place it into the Selected Tables list on the right hand side.

    Then press the OK button.

    The Report Destination window will then pop-up. You would certainly want to display the results to screen but I suggest you might want to print a copy also. Then press OK.

    The system will then perform a records check routine on the POP transactions and when finished, it will show a "File Maintenance Error Report" to screen. This will show any issues it has found and what it has done about them.

    The routine may take some minutes to run - so be patient and let it get to the end(!)

    [The end will be when you see the report on screen]

    If the routine has adjusted/corrected records, try your smartlist again and see if there is any change in the result.

  • Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Just a question, would the same happen if you Export to "Word" ?

  • RE: SmartList GP10

    I have the same problema in other PC, I copy the DB to a Test company, and I have the same situation.... Is it posible this SmartList is damage?


  • RE: SmartList GP10

    I choose 7000, GP display 7000 complete... but when export are only 3500... in the DB are more the 12,000 fields, when export to Excel I only see 3500 fields... and when start to export from 3500 backward not from 7000.


  • Suggested answer
    Olaf Laos Profile Picture
    Olaf Laos 1,890 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Does this perform the same if you run from another PC?

    Does your PC have plenty of RAM and resources to perform the task?

    Have you run other smartlists into Excel with more than 3,500 records?

    There is a line you can add into the DEX.ini file (open via Notepad) found in your Microsoft Dynamics\GP\Data folder - which is supposed to improve the performance of sending smartlists to Excel.


    Re-launch Dynamics again after editing this DEX.ini file.

    Perhaps this helps....

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Once you click on the Purchasing Line Items, it starts displaying. The status below will be "Exploring".

    If you click within the smartlist, the status changes immediately to "Stopped" and records stop from being retrieved.

    Therefore, try to choose a maximum number of 7000 (You might not have 7000 necessarily in your database), and let it displays all the records in the smartlist until the status is "Completed". Now, check the number of retrieved records which might not be necessarily 7000.

    Now, press the button "Export to Excel" and check the number.

    Hope this helps,

  • RE: SmartList GP10

    I select 7000 records, smartlist finish and show 7000 recods generated, but when I export to Excel are only 3000 or 3500 records... is not complete, only with this smartlist Purchase line ítems... other is complete.

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Check the "Maximum Records" field under the "Search Options"  as shown below;

  • Olaf Laos Profile Picture
    Olaf Laos 1,890 on at
    RE: SmartList GP10

    Does the smartlist display as "Completed" at the bottom of the smartlist window?

    Are there any search criteria applied or is this the default smartlist from Microsoft?

    What does it display as the criteria and number of records at the bottom of the smartlist window?

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