We're on GP2013 and heavily use the RMA module. I am encountering a problem where we have a serialized items with a UofM as 5/Pk. The UofM schedule is EACH and the equivalents are set up properly (5/Pk = 5 Each). When we try to return 1 each out of a 5/Pk we are unable. On the expanded line in the RMA receiving window, there is an option to change the "Ret. U of M." using the lookup or manual. When I use the lookup and choose Each, it automatically reverts to 5/Pk. When I drill down on the Serial/Lot button and try to receive the single S/N, it's telling me I have to receive 4 more serials.
Has anyone encountered this? Our RMAs are generate via Microsoft CRM if that makes a difference.
Thanks in advance.
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