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Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

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Our Dynamics on-prem server was successfully upgraded from 9.1.16 to 9.1.17 (KB5023894), However, our existing organization failed when we try to upgrade them

Our Dynamics server is now at version 9.1.17 but our orgs are stuck at version 9.1.16.

Below is the error we are receiving while upgrading the org manually.

ErrorMicrosoft.Crm.CrmException: Encountered non-terminal failures during DBUpdates. Failing actions are: msdynce_MarketingInsightsAnchor


Please help us fix this issue,

Thanks in advance.

  • Verified answer
    Community member Profile Picture
    Community member 14 on at
    Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17
    Sayen Zhang's post gave me the info I needed to solve this for our org. 

    There are AD groups that get created when you install Dynamics 365 on a server for the first time. Those groups don't have their membership updated automatically. Because of this, since I was hired after the instance was originally set up, database updates were failing for me, even though I was a full admin on the database and was a deployment administrator. Theoretically, you could also brute force the issue by just adding yourself as a member of all of the "PrivUserGroup" groups in the OU. I didn't like that approach because it didn't match my "least privilege" sensibilities. 

    To solve this, I ran a select statement on the MSCRM _CONFIG database's ConfigSettings table. Then I took the "PrivilegeUserGroupID" and did a powershell search for that objectID in AD. 

    Get-ADObject -Filter { ObjectGUID -eq "[stick your PrivilegeUserGroupID here]"} | ft
    Get-ADObject -SearchBase "OU=BETA,OU=ALPHA,DC=SITE,DC=com" -Filter * -properties objectguid | select name,objectclass,objectguid
    Adding myself to the appropriate security group and then running an update resolved the issue for our org. After that, we were able to update to the latest DB version without issues.

  • RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17


    Glad to hear that.

    Any chance you provide more details for awareness?

    Thank you!

  • TheErroristt Profile Picture
    TheErroristt 35 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

    Issue resolved.

    [quote user="TheErroristt"]


    Our Dynamics on-prem server was successfully upgraded from 9.1.16 to 9.1.17 (KB5023894), However, our existing organization failed when we try to upgrade them

    Our Dynamics server is now at version 9.1.17 but our orgs are stuck at version 9.1.16.

    Below is the error we are receiving while upgrading the org manually.

    ErrorMicrosoft.Crm.CrmException: Encountered non-terminal failures during DBUpdates. Failing actions are: msdynce_MarketingInsightsAnchor


    Please help us fix this issue,

    Thanks in advance.


    It was an issue with the Database user rights.

  • RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

    Hello Andrew,

    Hope you are well.

    The real exception should be way higher on the log file.

    If you go to the start of that file and search down for the solution name "msdynce_MarketingAnchor", you may see the inner exception when the solution start to attempt to install.

    Please share that with us.

    Sayen Zhang answer could be correct, but also may not be without further details.

  • Suggested answer
    Sayen Zhang Profile Picture
    Sayen Zhang on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for your information.

    From the error logs: Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Encountered non-terminal failures during DBUpdates. Failing actions are: msdynce_MarketingAnchor,  the reason is that the Deployment Admin not being a part of PrivUserGroup in the AAD.

    The issue can be resolved when the necessary permission is added part of PrivUserGroup in the AAD.

    Here is a reference link:

    Best Regards,

    Sayen Zhang

    Please mark as verified if the answer is helpful. Welcome to join hot discussions in Dynamics 365 Forums.

  • TheErroristt Profile Picture
    TheErroristt 35 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17


    Thank You for all your help.

    Please review below the screenshot to the executed query.


  • XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

    Can you run this SQL query in your organization database ?

    SELECT ObjectTypeCode
    FROM Entity
    WHERE ObjectTypeCode IN (953, 954) AND IsOfflineInMobileClient = 0

    It should not return any records.

  • TheErroristt Profile Picture
    TheErroristt 35 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.313|  Error| Update Organization with Id=de8353f5-7155-40ec-a7f7-2c18170c8e2a failed with Exception:

    Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: Encountered non-terminal failures during DBUpdates. Failing actions are: msdynce_MarketingAnchor

      at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.ProcessFailedActions()

      at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<Execute>b__0()

      at Microsoft.PowerApps.CoreFramework.ActivityLoggerExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, EventId eventId, ActivityType activityType, Action action, IEnumerable`1 additionalCustomProperties)

      at Microsoft.Xrm.Telemetry.XrmTelemetryExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, XrmTelemetryActivityType activityType, Action action)

      at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.OrganizationDBUpdateInstaller.Execute()

      at Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Admin.DBUpdateInstaller.ApplyDatabaseUpdates(IDBUpdateInfo dbUpdateInfo)

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.329|   Info| Reenabling database updates for org de8353f5-7155-40ec-a7f7-2c18170c8e2a in Deployment Manager.

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.344|   Info| Found the older table DBUpdateInstallInfo_V5, updating new table and deleting

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.344|   Info| GetDBUpdateRevisionThresholdForServer(): Threshold = 9.1.0017.0029.

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.376|   Info| Reenabling database updates for org de8353f5-7155-40ec-a7f7-2c18170c8e2a in Deployment Manager, updating version in Organization Database to

    2023-05-03 09:35:58.376|   Info| Reenabled database updates for org de8353f5-7155-40ec-a7f7-2c18170c8e2a in Deployment Manager.

    This is what Logs says at the end.

  • XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 on-prem Organization Upgrade error while upgrading from v9.1.16 to v9.1.17


    Can you share the logs ?

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