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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

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Posted on by 977

I have an existing PDK user who now needs access to Great Plains (GP2010) but I cannot create this user's account using the same UserID the user was set up with in PDK.  When I try to set the PDK user up in Great Plains I receive the error message "Your SQL Server login record is not a valid user record in Microsoft Dynamics GP." Is there a way to enable the user's PDK account in Great Plains without having to delete the PDK UserID and starting over (the user is an approving manager for a lot of employees in PDK)?  I know there's a way if the user has a GP UserID before creating a PDK UserID (Article ID: 858800), but I'm not finding a solution for the opposite scenario.

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  • Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

    That's nice to know. :)

  • Kristie McNulty Profile Picture
    Kristie McNulty 977 on at
    RE: How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

    Thank you for the help and suggestions.  I had to delete the user ID from PDK and from SQL Server Management Studio and then add the user from scratch in Great Plains, being sure to disable the Advanced SQL Server Options first in and then assign user to companies he will have responsibilities for in PDK (this was a VERY KEY STEP it turns out).  I then added the user with the same user ID in PDK, also with the Advanced SQL Server Options disabled.  The good news though, this user was a manager of several employees and I did not have to remove his manager ID from their employee records and when I added him back in PDK, he was still listed as their manager and his Business Portal approvals continue to work as expected.

  • Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

    You are right, as I mentioned I didn't have PDK installed. I just installed it. :)

    I think the below point mentioned in KB Article is confusing.

    1. In PDK login as 'sa' and navigate to Setup | System | SQL Options. Unmark both options.

    It is actually the advance SQL Server options , it's asking to un-mark.

  • Kristie McNulty Profile Picture
    Kristie McNulty 977 on at
    RE: How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

    Thank you for the reply, but in the version of PDK we're using (11.00.1662) the navigation path you list (Setup | System | SQL Options) is not available when I log in as 'sa'.  The only "sql options" I see are on the User Setup form and labeled Advanced SQL Server options, but I do not think they're the same, correct?

  • Almas Mahfooz Profile Picture
    Almas Mahfooz 11,006 User Group Leader on at
    RE: How can I create a new GP UserID for an existing PDK UserID?

    I don't  have PDK install, so can not tried this.

    why don't you try this.. first take back up of your databases .

    now got to Enterprise Manager, find the user and manually delete it from sql.

    login to gp and create the user according to the Article ID: 858800

    1. If the user ID is not already setup in Dynamics/eEnterprise setup the user. The SQL options should be marked so the user ID is created in SQL.

    2. Grant the user access to the company by navigating to Setup | System | User Access.

    1. In PDK login as 'sa' and navigate to Setup | System | SQL Options. Unmark both options.

    2. Navigate to Setup | System | User.

    5. Enter the User ID as the same one from Dynamics/eEnterprise.

    6. Enter the Company Name, Employee Type, and Prefixes for Expense Reports and Timesheets.

    7. If a password was setup in Dynamics/eEnterprise for the user you do not need to enter one here. The one from Dynamics/eEnterprise will be used for PDK.

    8. Save the user.

    9. Go to Enterprise Manager and under the Security tab find the user ID you just setup.

    10.Right click on the user and go to Properties.

    11.Click on the Database Access tab.

    12.Make sure the user has access to the DYNAMICS database and the company database.

    13.In the lower half of the window make sure public and DYNGRP are both marked.

    14.The user will be able to login to PDK and eEnterprise now.

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