When I set the QUANTITY property of taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine for an existing purchase order line whose stock is committed to a sales order, the quantity uncommitted value is updated to the new value of QUANTITY, meaning the stock on the purchase order is both committed and uncommitted.
Take the following example:
A purchase order is raised for 100 of ITEM1. The stock is committed to a sales order. All 100 of the stock goes to the QTYCMTBASE field.
We receive an update for the purchase order and need to update the line to the new quantity value of 110. The QTYCMTBASE field stays at 100, but the QTYUNCMTBASE field is set to the new value of 110.
There are no QTYUNCMTBASE or QTYCMTBASE properties in taPoLine_ItemsTaPoLine. What am I supposed to do to ensure the uncommitted quantity is not set in this situation?
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