Is it possible to have specific fields read only on the marketing form. So we would like the contact to see his name and surname prefilled but the fields must not be editable. I can only see the option to prefill and hide when setting up the field to use on the marketing form.
Hi Brad,
Thanks for your feedback about prefilling feature!
For landing page: due to user's information will be stored in cookies after they submitted form with Remember me option checked, so person who received forwarded email won't see other's information.
For subscription center: due to there is just a query parameter(an id for specific contact) in url in subscription center link, person who received forwarded email will see sender's information from my test, currently the solution is we could only notify invited people not do that on their marketing emails. You could add it as an idea(such as authentication) to Idea forum.
Please kindly mark as verified if the answer is helpful, it would be greatly appreciated.
HI Clofy
Great so seems like it did work. The next issue we have identified is if the invited person forwards the email on the person receiving the forward email can click on the link and is directed to the marketing page which then shows the details of the person who forwarded the email. Which in itself is a big issue with data being leaked/shown
Is there a way that you can think of to solve this?
Hi Brad,
I added code in method 1 and didn't encounter your issue, my test marketing page is hosted with system.
> You should authenticate your domain in settings if you host form on external server to enable prefilling feature.
> As per my understanding, you would like to make remembered contacts can't edit their information again after they checked Remember me option?
> However, input fields prefilling feature is controlled by cookies, the cookies data will be stored on contact's side machine after form being submitted, we can't detect/monitor this behavior.
In my opinion, read only input field is more compatible with subscription center form.
> Event website is built with Angular framework, I'm not an Angular developer unfortunately, please read this doc to make customization for event page.
HI Clofy
Thanks for always giving great feedback.
A question then would you have to have first had the option of Remember Me on the marketing page and then the next time the contact has to submit a response the details would be saved as read only.
I did try the method 1 but see that the details like first name and surname are not prefilled on the marketing page and thus it doesn't matter if the field was read only.
Secondly how would we do the same on the event portal registration page? Where would the html be edited?
Hi Brad,
Currently we need edit form HTML source code to achieve your requirement.
Below are two methods
1. Add disabled="disabled" attribute to input element.
Then user can't edit value in input when they focus it.
2. Add a onclick script to input element.
There is a disadvantage for method 1: if user open developer tool in browser and delete the attribute, the input field will be editable, he can still submit modified information.
By method 2, it will bind disabled attribute to input element, even if user delete this script statement in developer tool, the input field will be blocked to be not editable.
I suggest you try method 2.
Hope it helps.
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