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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Data Mart Installation error

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I had tried to install data mart for the management report 2012 , but get the error below ......

7/15/2013 2:54:04 PM - Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.ReportingPermissionException: You don't have permission to perform this operation.

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Security.Service.SecureServiceBase.SecureExecuteInternal[TResult](Func`1 hasPermission, Func`1 executor)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.Service.ServiceBase.BaseExecute[TResult](Func`1 executor)

7/15/2013 2:54:04 PM - System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException: Access is denied.

Server stack trace:

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.Connector.IConfigurationServiceContract.GetIntegrationGroups()

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.Common.WcfUtility.ExecuteOnClient[TCommunicationObject,TReturn](Func`2 invokeMe, Func`1 clientFactory)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.ConnectorCommunicationHelper.ExecuteOnClient[T](Func`2 invokeMe, Func`2 exceptionHandler, Uri applicationServiceUri)

7/15/2013 2:54:05 PM - An error occurred while checking existing companies in the Management Reporter application service. Additional information: Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.ReportingPermissionException: You don't have permission to perform this operation.

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Security.Service.SecureServiceBase.SecureExecuteInternal[TResult](Func`1 hasPermission, Func`1 executor)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.Service.ServiceBase.BaseExecute[TResult](Func`1 executor)

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Verifying provided credentials for change tracking...

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Credentials for user MD were successfully verified.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking configuration is beginning. If any changes are needed in the target ERP database, they will be listed below.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking was configured successfully.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Verifying provided credentials for change tracking...

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Credentials for user MD were successfully verified.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking configuration is beginning. If any changes are needed in the target ERP database, they will be listed below.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking was configured successfully.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Verifying provided credentials for change tracking...

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Credentials for user MD were successfully verified.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking configuration is beginning. If any changes are needed in the target ERP database, they will be listed below.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking was configured successfully.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Verifying provided credentials for change tracking...

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Credentials for user MD were successfully verified.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking configuration is beginning. If any changes are needed in the target ERP database, they will be listed below.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Change tracking was configured successfully.

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Checking whether database DDM exists

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Checking SQL Server version; result: 11.0.3128.0

7/15/2013 3:00:55 PM - Checking whether current user has SQL role sysadmin

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Beginning Dynamics GP data mart integration configuration.

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Database collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Deploying data mart database with settings:

Create new database: True

Server name: ACCS2012

Database name: DDM

Integrated authentication: True

Encrypted connection: False

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Database deployment package path is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Packages\DDM.dacpac

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Extracting supporting files for database deployment...

7/15/2013 3:00:57 PM - Beginning database deployment...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating DDM...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Updating Collation

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Setting AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC to ON

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [GeneralUser]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[Account]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[AccountCategory]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[AccountType]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[AttributeDefinition]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[ConvertedAmount]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionCombinationProperty]...

7/15/2013 3:01:20 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionDefinition]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionsPeriodBalance]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionsPeriodBalance].[DimensionsPeriodBalanceIndex_Ordered]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionsPeriodBalance].[DimensionsPeriodBalanceIndex_Scenario_Period_FactType]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionValue]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionValue].[DimensionValue_Id_Name]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionValueCriterion]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Fact]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Fact].[FactIndex_KeyMatch]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[FiscalYear]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Organization]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[OrganizationUsers]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Period]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Period].[PeriodIndex_DateRange]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Scenario]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[TableStatus]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[UnitOfMeasure]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Users]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[VersionHistory]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_NaturalAccount_CurrencyMethod...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_NaturalAccount_Statistical...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_NaturalAccount_TypicalBalance...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_AttributeDefinition_AttributeType...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Default Constraint on [dbo].[DimensionDefinition]....

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_DimensionDefinition_IsActive...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_DimensionDefinition_Ordinal...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_DimensionsPeriodBalance_CreditAmount...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_DimensionsPeriodBalance_DebitAmount...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Default Constraint on [dbo].[Fact]....

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_Fact_FactType...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF__FiscalYea__IsHis__164452B1...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_Organization_CalculateBeginningBalance...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF__Period__IsClosed__1B0907CE...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Default Constraint on [dbo].[Scenario]....

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating DF_Scenario_IsDefault...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Default Constraint on [dbo].[Users]....

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Fact].[FactStats_Id_OrganizationId_PeriodId]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Fact].[FactStats_PeriodId_Id]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Account_AccountCategory...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Account_AccountType...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_ConvertedAmount_UnitOfMeasure...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_DimensionDefinition_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_DimensionsPeriodBalance_Period...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_DimensionsPeriodBalance_Scenario...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_DimensionValue_DimensionDefinition1...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Fact_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Fact_Scenario...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Fact_UnitOfMeasure...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_FiscalYear_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Organization_UnitOfMeasure...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_OrganizationUsers_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_OrganizationUsers_User...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Period_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Period_FiscalYear...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Scenario_Organization...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating FK_Scenario_Scenario...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[PeriodInsertTrigger]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[PeriodUpdateTrigger]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[AccountCodeView]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[DimensionDefinitionView]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[FiscalCalendarView]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[AddNewDimension]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[CalculatePeriodBalances]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[GetExtendedDatabaseProperties]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[GetScenarioId]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertAccountCategory]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertAccountType]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertAttributeDefinition]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertDimensionDefinition]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertFiscalYear]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertOrganization]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertPeriod]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertScenario]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[InsertUnitOfMeasure]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[RecalculateBalances]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [SchemaVersion]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating [dbo].[Fact].[FactType].[MS_Description]...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Assigning role permissions to stored procedures...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Assigning role permissions to functions...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Assigning role permissions to tables and views...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM -

(1 row(s) affected)


(1 row(s) affected)

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Creating Windows user...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Assigning role...

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Update complete.

7/15/2013 3:01:21 PM - Application service URI is http://accs2012:4712/

7/15/2013 3:01:22 PM - System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException: Access is denied.

Server stack trace:

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.Connector.IConfigurationServiceContract.GetDefaultAdaptersWithSettings(DefaultAdapterWithSettingsRequest[] requests)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.ConnectorConfigurationHelper.<>c__DisplayClassa.<GetAdaptersWithSettings>b__8()

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.ConnectorConfigurationHelper.ExecuteAndNotifyError[T](Func`1 function)

7/15/2013 3:01:22 PM - Rolling back data mart database creation due to installation error. Connection information:

Create new database: True

Server name: ACCS2012

Database name: DDM

Integrated authentication: True

Encrypted connection: False

7/15/2013 3:01:22 PM - The data mart database was rolled back successfully.

7/15/2013 3:01:23 PM - System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException: Access is denied.

Server stack trace:

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.ThrowIfFaultUnderstood(Message reply, MessageFault fault, String action, MessageVersion version, FaultConverter faultConverter)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.HandleReply(ProxyOperationRuntime operation, ProxyRpc& rpc)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)

  at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)

Exception rethrown at [0]:

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

  at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.Connector.IConfigurationServiceContract.GetDefaultAdaptersWithSettings(DefaultAdapterWithSettingsRequest[] requests)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.ConnectorConfigurationHelper.<>c__DisplayClassa.<GetAdaptersWithSettings>b__8()

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.DataMart.ConnectorConfigurationHelper.ExecuteAndNotifyError[T](Func`1 function)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.GP.GPDataMartDeploymentPart.ConfigureGpToDMAdapters(ConfiguredDatabaseConnection configuredGpDatabaseConnection, ConfiguredDatabaseConnection configuredDataMartDatabaseConnection, ConnectorConfigurationHelper helper, AdapterWithSettings& gpAdapter, AdapterWithSettings& dataMartAdapter)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.GP.GPDataMartDeploymentPart.ValidateSettingsWhenAppServiceExists(IDictionary`2 settingsToValidate)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.DataProvider.GP.GPDataMartDeploymentPart.DeployWithSettings(IDictionary`2 settingsToDeployWith)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Deployment.Console.ConfigurationConsole.Wizard.Screens.DeploymentViewModel.TryRemoveFromView(Boolean isProgressing)

7/15/2013 3:01:25 PM - An error occurred while checking existing companies in the Management Reporter application service. Additional information: Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.ReportingPermissionException: You don't have permission to perform this operation.

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Security.Service.SecureServiceBase.SecureExecuteInternal[TResult](Func`1 hasPermission, Func`1 executor)

  at Microsoft.Dynamics.Performance.Reporting.Common.Service.ServiceBase.BaseExecute[TResult](Func`1 executor)

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    RM-22040759-0 Profile Picture
    RM-22040759-0 2,014 on at
    RE: Data Mart Installation error

     Hello Greg Byer 

    Your solution worked for me. Make your answer as a verified answer.

    Best Regards,

    Ravi Theja Madisetty

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Data Mart Installation error

    Thank this works succesfully, I apreciate it your help.

  • Verified answer
    Greg Byer Profile Picture
    Greg Byer 2,586 on at
    RE: Data Mart Installation error


    This error can be caused if the user you are logged into the computer does not exist in MR.  You can check this by running a query on the SecurityUser and SecurityPrincipal tables, in the MR database.  The user listed there should be who you are logged into the computer as.  If you are logged in as a user that is not in the SecurityUser or SecurityPrincipal, you'll need to log out of the computer and log back in as a user that is listed in those tables.  You can then install the Data Mart.  

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