Hi All,
I have a managed package that basically loads an iframe on the dynamics opportunity page and makes a call to my backend. From there my backend code makes calls to the dynamics web API, to get the name of related objects by calling the below api.
Currently, we ask our users to do a handshake with dynamics and we store the OAuth token. We use this token to do the web API calls. Since we were using the user account, we have not paid much attention to API limits imposed by Dynamics like 6000 requests per user per 5 min window. Now we want to stop using a user oAuth account and start using a single API user account or a service account. This api user will be 1 par customer we serve. So if there are 1000 users for a customer who are accessing Dynamics and when they access the opportunity page, and load our iframe thru managed package, for all these 1000 people we will use 1 api user account to get all the data from dynamics web api.
My concern is regarding the web API limits. I would really appreciate it if someone can help me understand the different web api limits I need to be concerned about in this situation. API limits that I need to be worried about?
Thank you so much in advance