Hello, I work at a charity which has many seasonal volunteers and workers. At any one time we need no more than 15 active licenses but we have up to 30-40 people who volunteer / work at the charity over the course of the year. Obviously we don't want to have to pay for 40 licenses when only 15 are going to be used at any one time.
Is it possible to take away a user's Dynamics license when they are not working/volunteering, and assign it to another user, then reassign it back to the original user when the second user has left.
Will the records and activities of the original user stay intact during the time their license is removed and assigned to another user?
When the second user has the license returned to the original user, will their records and activities also stay intact until the next time they are reassigned a license?
Is there a timeframe in which a license needs to be assigned back to the original user in order to retain their data? Is their data wiped after a certain amount of time if they don't have a license assigned to them?
Thank you in advance.