Re: Unapproval of already approved purchase orders
I am currently running SP3 for GP2010 with sa set to unlimited. I have tested all three scenarios above (on the Fabrikam company) from what I understand from your descriptions and was unable to get any of the Purchase Orders to become unapproved.
I have checked our database and have found that there is only one BUG due for SP4 release in regards to the Purchase Order Approvals and it is to do with partial receipts. Here is how you would replicate the issue for this BUG.
"1. Log in as 'sa'. sa is set to unlimited approval
2. Create PO for 10 qty of 128 SDRAM and SAVE.
3. Bring PO back up in PO Entry and change to status Approved as the sa user. Click Save.
4. Call the PO back up in PO Entry. Go to Actions – Receive PO Items – Receive and Post a quantity of 3 of the original 10.
5. Check the PO "
Regarding your scenarios could you let me know what Service Pack you are on please and maybe selecting one of the above and list for me the repro steps for me. Things to note is one person doing all of the PO approval and receipts or are there different people involved? can you replicate this on the test company Fabrikam?
The Purchase Order will become unapproved if you change any of the details on the Purchase Order after Approval, for example the quantity of a line.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind Regards