Re: how to delete inventory and financial transactions ??
I would recommend leaving the GL activity. If it's bothering you, update the Transaction description column in the GL20000 table indicating that these were bad entries.
If you have some very serious reason that is causing you to need to clear this history, I have an "unsupported" solution that I have used before. I'm going from memory, though, so you'll need to test this out in a test company BEFORE doing this in production:
1. Delete the original GL entires and the correcting GL entries from the GL20000 table.
2. Run GL Reconcile (Tools>>Utilities>>Financial>>Reconcile) for the year in question.
The reconcile process will update the GL summary tables based on what it sees in the GL20000 table. If those entries are gone,it should see that, but since they zero out no balance changes should be made. To be safe, run the reconcile before you delete the entries to be sure no other problems existed in your system prior to your data purge.
Happy clicking!
Ron Draganowski
Senior Solution Developer
Olsen Thielen Technologies, Inc.St Paul, Minnesota Find me on LinkedIn: