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Customer has a PIN number that is used to confirm identity of our customer

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When we have vulnerable customers they have a pin number that they provide to us to ensure that no one is accessing their account.  This does not seem to be available now?  I have checked through documentation for wave 2 but I am not able to find anything on this.

Thank you for your help.


  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Customer has a PIN number that is used to confirm identity of our customer

    Hi Jenni,

    I've never heard of pin number either in D365 CE, and you mentioned that we can use it to identify customers.

    All Dynamics 365 CE records have unique identifiers defined as GUIDs. These are the primary key for each entity.

    So you can use the GUID to identify the customer record.

    You can get it from the URL directly:


  • RE: Customer has a PIN number that is used to confirm identity of our customer

    When we identify customers we can use name, address, phone number etc.  And the PIN number was one of these identifiers.

    D365 CE 

  • Komi Siabi Profile Picture
    Komi Siabi 12,740 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Customer has a PIN number that is used to confirm identity of our customer

    Hi Jenni,

    Is your concern related to D365FO or D365 CE?

  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,295 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Customer has a PIN number that is used to confirm identity of our customer


    I don't see the PIN number in the customer master now nor neither I saw ever.

    If this is something to add only information as PIN number then I think you can add this number into any unused field and change the name of that field, such as Known as, Registration IDs, etc.

    However, if this is something to with based on the PIN number, there will be control to access these customers, I think then you need to customize this process by XDS function, data level security.

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