I am getting the following error in my eCommerce environment every time I attempt a checkout
{TypeName: "DataValidationException",…}
CorrelationId: "0d2647f0-bc97-409b-a697-3b9060cc52d0"
Exception: "{ ↵ "ValidationResults": [], ↵ "ErrorResourceId": "Microsoft_Dynamics_Commerce_Runtime_PickupModeOfDeliveryNotConfiguredOnHeadquarters", ↵ "LocalizedMessage": "The pickup mode of delivery is not configured on the headquarters." ↵}"
TypeName: "DataValidationException"
I have checked all the setup in D365. I also get an error when I try to remove the "Pickup mode of delivery" in the Commerce Parameters:
Delivery mode has open sales orders. Select a delivery mode which does not have open sales orders.
I do not wish to have a pick up option in my eCommerce site. However, I cannot delete it for some reason. I believe these to errors are connected to each other. Help please.
Have a nice weekend.
- Nora