Is this possible? If so, can someone tell me how? I do not want to cancel out line items with a negative, I want to physically reverse a PO receipt if possible.
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Is this possible? If so, can someone tell me how? I do not want to cancel out line items with a negative, I want to physically reverse a PO receipt if possible.
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I have done all of the above steps from 1-7 but the receipt does not show in the search. I've checked the receipt in inventory and the quantity sold is 0. What could possibly be preventing the receipt from showing for me to return? It hasn't been matched to an invoice.
The main essence of this feature that (when checked) it updates the associated purchase order from which the receiving transaction was posted originally so that you can enter a new receiving transaction on the same purchase order.
In case your concern is mainly about reversing the receiving, this may not such a big deal.
What if my screen does not have the replace returned goods check box?
PO Receipts are reversed by creating a Returns Transaction Entry (Purchasing>Transactions>Returns Transaction Entry).
1, Type: Return (if you are reversing an Invoice, choose Return w/Credit).
2. Return Number: Accept the auto generated number
3. Vendor Doc. No: as desired. (you might use the Vendor document number entered on the original Receipt, for example 1234 now entered on the Return as 1234RET)
4. Date: As desired
5. Vendor ID: Enter the vendor ID used on the original receipt
6. Replace Returned Goods check box (this allows you to receive the items again on a receipt if desired)
7. PO Number: Click the Lookup and choose the desired PO Number
8. Receipt No: Choose the receipt number you wish to return (reverse)
9. Quantity to Return: Enter desired quantity to return (reverse)
10. Post
11. You would then go to the PO and cancel the unused quantity.
12. If you choose Return w/Credit in step 1, a credit document was created that should be applied to the POP Receipt Invoice you just used when you created the return.
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