Have configured ADFS,
My metadata opens well, as per below, though this certification error, "un trusted certificate"
"- <EntityDescriptor ID="_f5edced6-41fe-4154-8232-1fb42b3cd7bc" entityID="sts.xxxxxxxxxxx.com/.../trust" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:metadata">
- <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="www.w3.org/.../xmldsig">
- <ds:SignedInfo>
<ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="www.w3.org/.../xml-exc-c14n" />
<ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="www.w3.org/.../xmldsig-more" />
- <ds:Reference URI="#_f5edced6-41fe-4154-8232-1fb42b3cd7bc">
When configuring claims from Dynamics CRM 2016 deployment manager i get below error.
The federation metadata URL 'sts.xxxxxxx.com/.../federationmetadata.xml' is not available.
*This post is locked for comments
Hi muleso,
When you export the certificate, make sure to include private key and extended properties. Then install it in to the machine you are using (not just the in ADFS Server) as well. You need to install it twice. First to your personal store. Second to the machine's and install it to Trusted Root Certificate store.
I use the certificate during adfs, but opens metadata on browser with trust warning
This link assumes ADFS is running.
ADFS opens with warning error, so i when i proceed to configure claims in dynamics crm, it doens't connect to metadata, although metadata url opens on browser but with errors.
If you create a self signed certificate, pls make sure that certificate you must be select in the ADFS configuration. If not pls recconfigure.
Because first ADFS federation URL must be open without certificate error. If issue still exist let me know
Hi muleso,
Please follow the instructions in the article below.
if you are using self-signed certificates, make sure to install it on the machine running Dynamics CRM. Also import it to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
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