Hi Guys
I want to insert a flowfield to sales line table that only shows quantity on reservations but only if the reservation come from purchase order rather than stock (item ledger). Looking at the reservation entry table only difference could think of using is when reserved from purchase order it enters shipment or requested date field. Now I have flow field on sales line with below code:
CalcFormula = - Sum("Reservation Entry".Quantity WHERE("Source ID" = FIELD("Document No."),
"Source Ref. No." = FIELD("Line No."),
"Source Type" = CONST(37),
"Source Subtype" = FIELD("Document Type"),
"Reservation Status" = CONST(Reservation),
"Shipment Date" = filter(>20200102D)));
Problem is last line filter gives and error , tried OD and <>'' etc but do not know how to enter a date or check null values. Maybe there is a better solution to the original problem of calculating quantity only reserved through purchase orders?