I'm facing the following problem: The plugin needs to excecute a FetchXML with conditions and filters when a specific view is triggered. The view can be accessed via a parent Acc to show related hardware to the Acc.
In addition, the FetchXML is static scripted and not dynamic (Script is shown below). However I want to manipulate the FetchXML by setting the 'primaryaccountid' and 'ParentAccountName' with variables which I retrieved from the IOrganizationService to make it dynamic. Is that possible?
My Plugin is registered on RetriveMultiple message and triggers on the correct view (checked via Guid of view and name as well).
The FetchXML script should be correct because it was created with 'Advanced find' from CRM.
System.String fetchXml =
@"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>
<entity name='mainframe'>
<attribute name='name' />
<attribute name='createdon' />
<attribute name='systemnumber' />
<attribute name='mainframetypeid' />
<attribute name='cpus' />
<attribute name='usage' />
<attribute name='decommisiondate' />
<attribute name='primaryaccountid' />
<attribute name='node_name' />
<attribute name='cores_per_cpu' />
<attribute name='mainframeid' />
<attribute name='parent_account' />
<order attribute='name' descending='false' />
<filter type='and'>
<filter type='or'>
<condition attribute='primaryaccountid' operator='eq' uiname='ParentAccountName' uitype='account' value='{EC1234A-DF6E-DF11-8121-005056A707B1}' />
<condition attribute='parent_account' operator='eq' uiname='ParentAccountName' uitype='account' value='{EC1234A-DF6E-DF11-8121-005056A707B1}' />
<link-entity name='mainframetype' from='mainframetypeid' to='mainframetypeid' visible='false' link-type='outer' alias='a_bd24b62d306adf118121005056a707b1'>
<attribute name='max_cores_per_cpu' />
<attribute name='createdonbehalfby' />
Thats how I trigger on the view:
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Query") & context.InputParameters["Query"] is QueryExpression & context.MessageName == "RetrieveMultiple")
Guid viewId = new Guid("127dee92-0e90-4e6c-90bb-b281498d890b");
String viewName = "Hardware Associated View";
var savedQueryFetchXml = (from q in orgContext.CreateQuery("savedquery") //orgContext.CreateQuery("savedquery")
where (Guid)q["savedqueryid"] == viewId
&& (string)q["name"] == viewName
&& (string)q["fetchxml"] != null
select q["fetchxml"]).FirstOrDefault();
Thanks in advance.