We currently follow the below process to cancel / close and remove Manufacturing orders.
Close or cancel the MO, and then remove the MO
If you want to close or cancel the MO, and then remove the MO, follow these steps:
On the Transactions menu, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then click
MOP/SOP Xref. Remove the Sales Order Processing – Manufacturing Order link.
On the Transactions menu, point to Manufacturing, point to Manufacturing Orders, and then click Entry.
Click Canceled in the MO Status field for the appropriate MO.
Point to Tools, point to Utilities, point to Manufacturing, and then click Remove MO.
In the Manufacturing Order area, select the appropriate MO. In the Remove area, click to select the following
check boxes:
o Canceled Orders
o Closed Orders
o In the Last Change Date area, type the date the MO was received. To determine the date the MO was
received, view the last day displayed in the Manufacturing Order Activity window.
o Click Process. When you are prompted to print the Completed Manufacturing Order Removal Report,
select the appropriate destination, and then click OK
Question is how can unpick the picked items ? Will the remove process automatically unpick the picked inventory.
Thank you
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