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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

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Posted on by 3,205

hi there,

need advice or suggestion / opinion.

if there is a batch, I can call it, but the detail is empty, even though the balance not empty.

I check on the batch table, batch on there. but can't find the batch both on artran and ardoc.

is it possible the transaction already deleted by user? or there is another opinion?


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  • rodi Profile Picture
    rodi 3,205 on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module


    status is v. but we decide to delete it. still wondering it is bug or else.

    thanks anyway

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

    What is the status of the batch record?


    Someone deleted  the document


  • rodi Profile Picture
    rodi 3,205 on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

    Hi Elaine,

    thanks for answer.

    any explanation/reason, why there is a record on batch table, but the record can't be found in related table?

    as example, there is a record in table batch. that record refer to AR module. but I can't find the record in any AR table.


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

    If a document was saved and then deleted, there is a record in apdoc with doctype = VT.

    No aptrans are saved.

    The batch will have a V status if saved and then deleted.

  • rodi Profile Picture
    rodi 3,205 on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module


    sorry I didn't mention before. we already use SL 2011 FP1.

    is there a way to confirmed whether the user truly not delete the batch? this may seems not professional. but I need this. thanks

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

    I think you may be running into a bug where the batch total keeps amts from the prior batch when you delete a document.

    Bug 24156 says:

    Deleting an invoice out of an unreleased Invoice and Memo batch creates a new batch record with the revised batch totals of the previously saved batch

    This is fixed in 2011 fp1.

    See KB 2686585. There is a hot fix for 8.0 sp1

  • rodi Profile Picture
    rodi 3,205 on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module


    thanks for response.

    I've checked, and found there is amount on those fields.

    I asked the users, and they told never deleted. so I face two problems at least.

    1. how to make sure, either the users delete or not

    2. my problem (missing detail)


  • Suggested answer
    Ram Peru Profile Picture
    Ram Peru 2,830 on at
    RE: ask - missing detail transaction of one batch on AR module

    Hello Rodi,

    The user might be deleted the transaction detail of ARTran & ARDoc using the delete button.

    The user may use the invoice delete level process to delete the transaction records and below picture id for your reference.

    Can you check the value of CuryCrTot of particular batch in Batch table?

    SQL Query  to Check the Balance

    Select CuryCrTot,CuryCtrlTot from Batch Where BatNbr = 'XXXXXX' and Module ='AR'


    Perumalsamy R

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