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Can multiple SLA items run side by side?

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Good day and thank you for your interest. 

We have an SLA with 8 SLA items in the Unified Interface. Six (6) of these items are triggered based on the same KPI, but there are 2 that are not. My current understanding is that a single SLA item is run for each KPI, so because we have 3 SLA Items with a single KPI, then all or only these three unique Sla items will run.

Sorry, have not been able to find good research on this topic, I appreciate any attempt to answer. 

Thank you and best regards,


  • Arslan001 Profile Picture
    Arslan001 60 on at
    RE: Can multiple SLA items run side by side?

    Hey Naveen on a second thought,

    What if each one of the SLA Items has a unique Applicable When conditions, which is by design (The SLAs don't allow more than one SLA Item to have the same Applicable When criteria). So, in theory, what if only one SLA Item is expected to be evaluated? Would creating a separate SLA KPI for each item still be necessary?

    The follow up challenge would be reporting, and having some key data points to be able to filter the data on.? What are your thoughts if you don't mind?

    Thank you again for sharing your information. Best, Arslan

  • Suggested answer
    Arslan001 Profile Picture
    Arslan001 60 on at
    RE: Can multiple SLA items run side by side?

    Thank brother Naveen.

    This was my impression based on what I vaguely remember from reading several blogs, but I wasn't sure. This will require a moderate overhaul in development but it's good to know now.

    Best Regards,


  • Verified answer
    Naveen Ganeshe Profile Picture
    Naveen Ganeshe 3,393 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Can multiple SLA items run side by side?

    Hi Arslan001,

    I believe it will only run one instance of an SLA item per record at a time. first SLA item that is created for a KPI will be considered as the primary and others will be secondary.

    you can create different KPI for each of the SLA item and they will run side by side

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