I am exporting an Excel to make a price comparison of certain offers and I have encountered two problems:
1) Creating the Excel from the beginning using the Excel Buffer table, it is not possible to format the cells (except bold, italic and underlined).
2) Seeing that problem 1 seems complex, I have created a template on the server that has a default layout associated with it. Well, I use the Excel Buffer table to fill in the data but the format of the cells that are written is lost... and that's where I need help. Do you know how I can solve this problem? I show you two images of a small simplified test so you can see what happens as well as the associated code:
codeunit 50013 "Files Mgt2" { trigger OnRun() begin end; procedure ExportQuotesToExcel(var Quote: Record "Purchase Header") var TempExcelBuf: Record "Excel Buffer" temporary; begin InitExcel(TempExcelBuf); FillExcelBuffer(TempExcelBuf, Quote); TempExcelBuf.CloseBook(); TempExcelBuf.SetFriendlyFilename('test'); TempExcelBuf.OpenExcel(); end; local procedure InitExcel(var TempExcelBuf: Record "Excel Buffer" temporary) var InStr: InStream; Files: File; begin Files.Open('C:\Users\Public\Comparador ofertas compra.xlsx'); Files.CreateInStream(InStr); TempExcelBuf.UpdateBookStream(InStr, 'Precios', false); end; local procedure FillExcelBuffer(var TempExcelBuf: Record "Excel Buffer" temporary; var Quote: Record "Purchase Header") var TempExcelBufSheet: Record "Excel Buffer" temporary; begin TempExcelBufSheet.EnterCell(TempExcelBufSheet, 2, 1, 'test', true, false, false); TempExcelBuf.WriteAllToCurrentSheet(TempExcelBufSheet); end; }
The version of BC we use is 16.1 (we know that there are new Excel features currently available, but we are not migrating for now).
Thank you so much.