When running an unattended macro to reconcile inventory the macro stops and generates an error 'The specified path for the output file doesn't exist.' . The error does not occur if run while on the server, only when unattended.
Here is the first part of the applicable code. The program stops on "MoveTo Field 'Process Button P'
# DEXVERSION=11.00.0349.000 2 2
CommandExec dictionary 'default' form 'Command_Inventory' command 'IV_Reconcile'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'IV_Reconcile' window 'IV_Reconcile'
MoveTo field 'Process Button P'
ClickHit field 'Process Button P'
NewActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'Report_Destination' window 'Report_Destination'
MoveTo field 'Print to Screen' # 'TRUE'
ClickHit field 'Print to Screen' # 'FALSE'
MoveTo field 'Print to File' # 'FALSE'
ClickHit field 'Print to File' # 'TRUE'
MoveTo field 'File Export Name'
TypeTo field 'File Export Name' , 'c:\Program FIles\Microsoft Dynamics\GP2010\InvPrint.txt'
MoveTo field 'Export File Type' item 1 # 'Text file'
ClickHit field 'Export File Type' item 1 # 'Text file'
MoveTo field 'If File Existing' item 0 # 'Append'
ClickHit field 'If File Existing' item 0 # 'Append'
MoveTo field 'OK Button'
ClickHit field 'OK Button'
Anyone have an idea?????
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