I need to display the value of ‘Item Note’ field with each record in the OrderLine section on the 'POP Purchase Order Blank form'. For this, I added a new relationship between Item Master’s NoteIndex to SY03900 NoteIndex and then put the TXTFIELD in the report in the Orderline section but report does NOT display its value at runtime.
I have made the change using 'Modify' button available on the toolbar on the Report. I do not have prior experience of modifying existing GP report.
Below is my analysis ---- OrderLine fields (like Item Number, Description etc) are from table ‘popPOLineRollupTemp’ (Purchase Order Line Rollup Temp) which is a TEMPORARY table. I think that a field must be present in this table if it is to be printed. To verify this, I added column ‘PO Line Status’ from table ‘popPOLineRollupTemp’ and ‘PO Type’ from table POP_POLine_Temp (Purchase Order Line Temp) in the OrderLine section. On running the modified report, PO Line Status appeared as ‘Released’ whereas PO Type did not appear. So, I think we need to add ‘TXTFIELD’ column of SY03900 table in the Temp table ‘popPOLineRollupTemp’ but I could not find the way to do it from GP help or any internet forum on GP.
I am using Version 10.0 of Dynamics.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct and the resolution or workaround for this problem.
Awaiting your reply,
Thanks in Advance,
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