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Small and medium business | Business Central, N...

The application object or method 'GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice' has scope 'OnPrem' and cannot be used for 'Cloud' development.

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Can you please assist? I am trying add a field to an existing report but when I copy the code from the original report to add the extra field I get an AL0296: The application object or method 'GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice' has scope 'OnPrem' and cannot be used for 'Cloud' development error. This specific field comes from the old report.

I have tried to change the app.jason target to "OnPrem" and it works when building the report but fails when uploading to the cloud with error: Package validation failed due to the following error(s): app.json (8,3) - Error PTE0005: The compilation target is set to 'OnPrem', but it must be set to 'Cloud' or 'Extension'

app.json :

  "target": "Cloud",

I have also tried the reportextension method but I cant seem to link to the correct table when trying to only add this and not redo the whole report.

This is the existing code that fails:

                PaymentInstructionsTxt := O365SalesInvoiceMgmt.GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice(Header);

And the report extension code:

reportextension 50201 "IPL_SalesInvoice" extends "Standard Sales - Invoice"
    RDLCLayout = 'src\Business Central\src\reportLayout\IPL Sales Invoice.rdlc';
            column(Sales_Assistant; "Sales Assistant") { }

Also below my table extension for IPL_SalesOrder to add the sales assistant field:

tableextension 60001 IPL_SalesOrder extends "Sales Header"
        field(50000; IPL_SalesAssistant; Text[30])
            Caption = 'Sales Assistant';


Please advice as I am now stuck


  • Suggested answer
    Divan Profile Picture
    Divan 54 on at
    RE: The application object or method 'GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice' has scope 'OnPrem' and cannot be used for 'Cloud' development.

    Thanks, this works very well and a lot less coding needed.

  • Suggested answer
    Nitin Verma Profile Picture
    Nitin Verma 21,280 Moderator on at
    RE: The application object or method 'GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice' has scope 'OnPrem' and cannot be used for 'Cloud' development.

    Yes, in that case the copied code will not work if that are set OnPrem and you are trying to publish the same on Cloud. You need to take the same object from Cloud and make the changes in there and publish.

  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 77,925 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    RE: The application object or method 'GetPaymentInstructionsFromPostedInvoice' has scope 'OnPrem' and cannot be used for 'Cloud' development.

    Hi, Yes, Microsoft has a lot of standard code that cannot be copied directly.
    If you're just adding fields, here's a very simple example that hopefully gives you some hints.



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