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Is it possible to prepopulate the options in the 'Rollup Query' form's entity dropdown?

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I have a custom table used for bulk updates that has a lookup to the 'Roll Query' entity.

This way users can create a rollup record to define the records they wish to update.

My issue is, I would like the entity in question to be prepopulated in the 'entity type' field when the user loads the form, to prevent them from having to scroll through the many entities there every time they want to create a rollup query.

e.g. below with the 'account' table.


I added some JS to the onLoad event that prepopulates the field:


It appears to work on load, but the controls for the record filter do not appear unless the entity is manually selected in the drop down.

Is there a way of prepopulating the dropdown that will load the filter controls? While not a huge issue, I know it will be requested down the line so I wanted to check if there is a way around this or if it would have any knock on effects for roll up queries in the system?
  • Suggested answer
    XM-22040801-0 Profile Picture
    XM-22040801-0 11 on at
    RE: Is it possible to prepopulate the options in the 'Rollup Query' form's entity dropdown?


    Call fireOnChange() after setValue() to load the filter controls.

    const queryEntityTypeAttr = formCtx.getAttribute("queryentitytype");

  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Is it possible to prepopulate the options in the 'Rollup Query' form's entity dropdown?

    Hi AMD99,

    It seems to be by-design.

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