I'm getting a strange error trying to $filter `agedAccountsPayables` (or Receivables) by `agedAsOfDate` as it always tells me the format of the date is wrong. The exact same format of $filter works for e.g. `purchaseOrders` by `orderDate`.
Is this a bug in the API, or something I am misunderstanding?
Examples using the Cronus sample database (with some manual word-wrapping for clarity:
GET https:/api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/{{tenant}}/production/api/v2.0/agedAccountsPayables?company=CRONUS UK Ltd.&$filter=agedAsOfDate ge 2024-02-01
/error/: {
/code/: /Application_EvaluateException/,
/message/: /The format of the Date '>=02/01/24' does not match your device's date settings.//r///r/Make sure that the day, month, and year are in the correct order and use the correct separator (such as - or /). Alternatively, you can always use the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'. CorrelationId: b750524a-573b-475f-bdbf-6c85024937be./
GET https:/api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/{{tenant}}/production/api/v2.0/purchaseOrders?company=CRONUS UK Ltd.&$filter=orderDate gt 2024-04-08
/@odata.context/: https:/api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/070927bf-7189-4b3c-99b5-60f306d9b138/production/api/v2.0/$metadata#purchaseOrders/,
/value/: [...results...]