You can change logo for CRM 2011 on-premise.
1.Changing the CRMMastheadLogo.
Create your own logo of size (138*17 px). Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_imgs in your on-premise server and Save your logo(138*17px) in the name “CRMMastheadLogo” . (Don’t change the name)
Now refresh the Crm page .If not reflected then delete history of IE then reopen the crm .The logo will be reflected at the top.
2. Changing the “getting started” logo .
Create your own logo of size (151*95 px). Go to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\Help\1033\OP\HelpVisor\images in your on-premise server and
Save your logo(151*95px) in the name “ImageStrip”. (Don’t change the name )
Now refresh the crm page for reflection.
3.Changing the Background image ,border color of the top ribbon.
Create your own image of size (1358*37px) .Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_imgs\Ribbon\WSS and save your image(1358*37 px) in the name RibbonImage (can be any name).
Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM\CRMWeb\_static\css\1033 . Open cui.css file.
Change the following in the “.ms-cui-topBar2” class
1.border-bottom:3px solid black;
2.background:url(“/_imgs/ribbon/wss/RibbonImage.png”); (RibbonImage => Image saved above)
Change the following in the “.ms-cui-tabBody” class
Now refresh the crm page and see the reflections.
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