Hi All,
I need urgent help on below issue.
I have created two new forms. One is header creation form and other form contains header and line information.(just similar to SalesOrderCreate and sales table form). When I create any record from header creation form and press OK button on form then it should open second form which will list out header detail at top and at bottom we can create new line. To call this second form and to pass current header record detail I have written below code but it is not working. When I create any record it open second form but it is not showing recently created record(or linked record).E.g if I created header with SO 001 then after OK button click it opens second form and shows order detail for SO 002.
E.g. From Form A I am calling Form B.I have written below code on CloseOK method of Form A
FormRun fr;
Args args;
ZLG_LaborActivityHeader ZLG_LaborActivityHeader1;
args = new Args();
args = element.args();
fr = ClassFactory.formRunClass(args);
Kindly help. Thanks in advance.
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