Anyone know how to make a column with a vertical divider line? I want to put one in before the last column to separate the budget from actuals to the left. I'm using mgmt. reporter in SL. Thanks!
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Anyone know how to make a column with a vertical divider line? I want to put one in before the last column to separate the budget from actuals to the left. I'm using mgmt. reporter in SL. Thanks!
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That's what I ended up doing after all...looks ok...not ideal, like you mentioned, but gets the job done. Thanks Rick!
While this may not be as cosmetically neat as you had hoped, you can try the following.
Open your column definition for the report and insert a column where you want the vertical line. Set the column width to 1 and the column type to FILL (press F3 to select that type). When it sets the column type to FILL it will also include a pair of single quotes after FILL. Enter the vertical bar character (|) between the single quotes. Note: you may be able to enter a Wingding character (by clicking on the column header, picking format and then selecting the Wingding font (which you will have to first add)) that would work better but I have not tried that.
Hope this will accomplish what you want. You cosmetic issue is that the vertical bar is not going to be continuous.
The other option, of course, is to push the report output to Excel and then add the right border to the Excel spreadsheet but that involves extra steps for each time you run the report so it is not ideal either.
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