Hi BC Community,
I would like to email an entire POs lines to a user.
I can populate a list to include all lines, however, I can not figure out how to email this list using strsubstno.
The current issue is that even though I include the listdata variable into the StrSubstNo function, in AddBodyMessage that element is blank, and subsequent email text is blank.
My code below:
if userEmail <> '' then begin purchaseLine.SetRange(purchaseLine."Document Type", PurchaseHeader."Document Type"); purchaseLine.SetRange(purchaseLine."Document No.", PurchaseHeader."No."); if purchaseLine.FindSet() then begin repeat listData.Add(purchaseLine.Description); counter := counter 1; until purchaseLine.next = 0; end; BodyMessage := 'Dear %1,
%2 has been fully approved.
%5'; subjectMessage := 'Your request %1 has been fully approved'; AddBodyMessage := StrSubstNo(BodyMessage, userName, purchaseHeader."No.", purchaseHeader."Buy-from Vendor Name", purchaseHeader.Amount, listData.GetRange(1,listData.Count)); addUserSubject := StrSubstNo(subjectMessage, purchaseHeader."No."); EmailMessage.Create(userEmail, addUserSubject, AddBodyMessage, true);
Thanks as always