Is there a way to get to a list of import journals made during a given month or year under a given user ID?
Is there a way to get to a list of import journals made during a given month or year under a given user ID?
you can easily obtain a list of the import journals made during a particular month or year with a specific user ID using the 'Journal - Import' page.
To view the list of import journals do the following:
Go to the search bar and search for "Journal - Import".
Click on the "Journal - Import" link that appears.
On the Journal - Import page, use the "Filter" box on the left-hand side to set the desired filters for the import journals you wish to view. You can filter by user ID, publication date and other criteria.
Once the filters have been set, click on the 'Apply Filter' button to display the list of import journals that match the set criteria.
To view further details on a specific import journal, click on the journal row to open it.
You can also use the 'Export' button to export the list of import journals to Excel or another format for further analysis or reporting.
By using the Journal - Import page and setting the appropriate filters, you can quickly and easily view the list of import journals made during a specific time period with a specific user ID in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Hi, I think you can use Batch, or No. Series in Batch to distinguish the content you import.
Hope this helps.
Hi, You can see the version you are currently using with the method below.
Hope this helps.
We import thru Excel many of our journal entries each month - we find this easier to maintain than setting up recurring entries. Wondering if Business Central identifies each imported jouranal with something like IMPJ**** so if we want to quickly go back and look at what we imported, we can find the entry again instead of going through Process\Find Entries\G/L Entry.
I'm not sure what version of Business Central we are using - where would I find it?
We utilize import journals thru Excel quite a bit at the end of the month - we find it is easier to do this than use re-occurring general journals. One import might have 100 lines worth of journal entries and while you can go to Posted Journal Entries and see every line/Document No, does Business Central use some identifier for the whole import journal. For example IMPJ**** to identify one of our imported journals.
I'm not sure what version of Business Central we are using. Where within Business Central is it identified?
[quote user="Carlyman470"]Is there a way to get to a list of import journals made during a given month or year under a given user ID?
[/quote]Hi, I don't know what journals you mentioned, take General Journals as an example:
Data audit fields have been added on all tables, I think you can use these fields, then filter to get your results.
Finally you can export all data using Open in Excel.
Hope this helps.
What exactly do you define as an import journal?
Which version are you using?
You can use Analysis mode from April onwards.
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