Hi All,
system design: Windows Server 2019, Docker for server installed
Docker has multiple containers (8) where each container has been dedicated 8GB RAM.
BC version 19.3 OnPrem
VSC is installed on local laptops where code is being written.
Developers are using the VSC to debug any errors as they are testing the written code.
Antivirus ESET Nod installed on servers and clients.
VPN Cisco is installed on clients. Traffic goes via VPN. Internet speed is 100Mbit/s upload/download from my home. Internet speed in the office is 300Mbit/s upload/download.
Issue: VSC debugger is super slow at debugging line per line, it needs 6 seconds to move to the next line in code.
Docker is installed with multiple containers and each container has been dedicated with 8GB RAM. Development is being done from home office where VSC is running locally on the laptop and targeting the BC deployed in Docker Container.
I am using also VPN that connects to the server where Docker is installed and where SQL database is attached.
I have disabled VSC settings in the settings.json file, because I read VSC performances can be impacted. Below is my Settings.json file: