Further to a previous post about not getting attributes through to my plugin, which now works, however I have noticed a problem, as the Case description is the last field our users will fill out, they will automatically do CTRL+S to save the record.
However, if they are still in the description field the plugin fires the old Key not found in dictionary error, HOWEVER, if I cause the description field to lose focus, ie: click out of it or move to another field and do CTRL+S all is good. Also clicking the save icon in the bottom right cause all to be good.
So the question is why when saving within the description box am I getting the error, and what is the work around for it?
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You Sir, are a genius, works a charm :)
You are likely using entity.Attributes["description"] in your plug-in code to read the contents of the description field. This will throw that exception if the description is not omitted into the record.
It's recommended that you always use entity.GetAttribute<string>("description") to read your attributes, as this will simply return NULL if there is no value for your field (or a different default value, for different types, based on default(T) )
The description value will not be committed to the record while a user is still typing, which is what the Dynamics assumes, if you don't exit the field first (make it lose focus).
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