RE: SLS Document show OPEN with Error
Bill -
Very interesting indeed, or not so much. Is it possible you're using Invoicing and not Sales Order Processing with Advanced Invoicing?
The SOP10100 table is the SOP Open Header Table and the SOP30200 is the SOP History Header Table (paraphrasing there)... I have seen situations where documents failed to delete during transfer/posting and wound up in both tables, requiring one of them to be removed using SQL, which is why I sent you the query.
I fully expected you to see two records appear in these tables. I can think of one very good reason... If I am looking in the wrong tables.
Try this query:
select 'OPEN' Source, DOCNUMBR, convert(varchar(10),DOCDATE,101),TRXSORCE from RM20101
union all
select 'HISTORY' Source, DOCNUMBR, CONVERT(varchar(10),DOCDATE,101),TRXSORCE from RM30101
where DOCNUMBR = 'IVC017038'