Is it possible to have a single leads for multiple Opportunity in MS CRM?
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Is it possible to have a single leads for multiple Opportunity in MS CRM?
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If you are asking about automapping fields, yes you can do it before create using Javascript on change of originating lead and on create form load of opportunity(or) after create using a simple workflow or an plugin
Is there any way to make it automatic for the user?
Is there any way to make it automatic for the user?...
The lead and opportunity are related(1:N) using a field called originating lead in opportunity
To create multiple opportunities for a lead there are two entry points
From lead, you can create one opportunity per lead using qualify option. For more than one opportunity you may need to reactivate and qualify the lead again to create new opportunity. Note that these opportunities are auto generated from leads using OOB field mappings.
From opportunity, you can create multiple new opportunities and attach to a lead(without activating or deactivating leads). But the fields are not auto mapped.
Yes. Lead to Opportunity is a 1:N relationship.
So you can have a single lead and link it to multiple Opportunities.
You can use the OOTB Lead look-up field in Opportunity and add to Opportunity form. (Originating Lead).
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