Hi Mustaque,
You could consider the following steps to get rid of the Excel Sheet first.
01. On all your Dev environments, you could ask your Devs to have the same solution name. If they do, when the solution is imported on your SIT environment from different DEV environments, it will automatically merge. if the solution names are different, they just have to manually edit the unique name of the solution as described in the link below
Once you successfully done the above step, you should now have just on solution on your SIT that has all the changes
Next challenge is how to create a standard patch with all the changes in.
I did not get time to try this out but here how you could do that i think
Assumptions : Final solution on Dev is called lets say MarchChanges, base solution on SIT is called lets say BaseSolution
01. If you click a Clone A Patch, it will create the Empty Patch Solution. Now we need to get the all the components from MarchChanges to this Patch solution. You can add manually but looking at all the components from MarchChanges but then there is room for mistakes so what about if you try the following
- Export both March Changes and Empty Patch solution from SIT as un-managed.
- Delete the Patch Solution from SIT
- Unzip both solutions and copy Unique Name, Version and Description from Empty Patch Solution to March Changes solution.xml, zip the MarchChanges and Import back to SIT
You should now have a Patch solution with all the components.
Next step you can export this as managed patch and import on to UAT or Live
The above suggestion is one way to improve your process but it does have manual steps involved.
If you want a clean process all the way through to Live, you could do the following
01. Have the base solution in all your Dev environments
02. Changes made by Devs on each Dev is a patch - Devs will have to be in Sync so that they dont use the same Patch version number when they create patch
03. On your SIT you will have multiple Patches - Dev1Patch, Dev2Patch, Dev3Patch
04. When its ready to go UAT or Live, you will have to export the each as separate patches and deploy them to target environments
Once benefit to keeping separate patch is that Dev1Patch might be rejected by your UAT testing but 2 and 3 can still go Live
Hope this makes sense